EQR Shares Outstanding History Table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Also see: EQR Market Cap History EQR YTD Return EQR RSI EQR DMA EQR MACD EQR Technical Analysis |
EQR Shares Outstanding History Table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Also see: EQR Market Cap History EQR YTD Return EQR RSI EQR DMA EQR MACD EQR Technical Analysis |
EQR Shares Outstanding History Chart | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
+2.07% CAGR Mouse over chart for data details
EQR Stock Price Chart |
About Equity Residential |
Equity Residential is a real estate investment trust. Co. is focused on the acquisition, development and management of residential properties. Co. is the general partner of and owns an ownership interest in its subsidiary, ERP Operating Limited Partnership (ERPOP). All of Co.'s property ownership, development and related business operations are conducted through ERPOP and those entities/subsidiaries owned or controlled by ERPOP (collectively, Operating Partnership) and it has no material assets or liabilities other than its investment in ERPOP. The Operating Partnership holds substantially all of the assets of Co., including its ownership interests in its joint ventures. We show 59 historical shares outstanding datapoints in our coverage of EQR's shares outstanding history. Understanding the changing numbers of EQR shares outstanding — and comprehending the concept of differing number of shares outstanding in general comparing companies like EQR versus peers — is critical for investors. Many "beginner" or "novice" investors will look at one stock trading at a price of $10 per share and another trading at a price of $20 per share and think the latter company is worth twice as much. Of course, that is a completely meaningless comparison without also knowing how many shares outstanding there are for each of the two companies. Furthermore, via issuance of new shares over time, or the repurchase of existing shares, the number of shares outstanding can fluctuate over the course of history. With this page we aim to empower investors researching EQR by allowing them to research EQR shares outstanding history as well as any other stock in our coverage universe. |
EQR Current Stock Quote |
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Video: Shares Outstanding Importance | |
EQR Share Performance |
Shares Outstanding Peers |
Equity Residential (EQR) is categorized under the Financials sector; to help you further research historical shares outstanding numbers, below are some other companies in the same sector:
EQS Shares Outstanding History |
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